

A ticket at this level you will receive:
* Unlimited streaming access to the film through October 31, 2021.
* A PDF program including artist bios
THANK YOU for supporting UrbanArias!


Unlimited PLUS

A ticket at this level - the same price as our regular live performances! - includes a $30 tax-deductible donation to UrbanArias.

You will receive:
* Unlimited streaming access to the film through October 31, 2021.
* An enhanced PDF program including behind-the-scenes photos and articles.
* An invitation to our "Waist-High Black Tie" premiere event on Opening Night (or a link to watch the party if you purchase after April 30).
* Access to the full, unedited interviews in the UrbanArias/sampled series.

THANK YOU for supporting UrbanArias!


Support future UrbanArias programming!

Any amount you are able to give will support our programming of new American opera next season and beyond. Thank you for your support!

Total: $0.00


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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